Module #6
This module consists of a 7-part video series (total of 7 session hours). A resource notebook accompanies this series; the content is available as downloadable files (below) for you to print and put in a notebook/3-ring binder. The original notebook was divided into tabbed sections; the downloadable files are grouped according to the notebook tab sections so you can locate the pages being described in the teaching sessions:
Additional reading assignment:
- Pre-session Assignment (complete this assignment prior to watching the teaching)
- Decision Making Styles Chart (laminated chart in the video--green page 1/pink page 2--print before watching the teaching)
- Tab 1 - Session notes (print at least pages 1-37 before watching the teaching)
- Tab 2 - Powerpoint slides (printing optional)
- Tab 4 - Worksheet 1 (print before watching the teaching)
- Tab 5 - Worksheet 2 (print before watching the teaching)
Additional reading assignment:
- Book: Leading Multicultural Teams, by Evelyn & Richard Hibbert
Sessions #1-7: Foundational Skills For Healthy Decision Making
- Watch Foundational Skills For Healthy Decision Making (parts 1-7):
- Submit your training reflections after watching the sessions (parts 1-7): Click here