We are a global network of leaders and churches on a mission to see churches and leaders grow into all God has destined for them to be. Our heart is to strengthen local churches, grow leaders, and multiply churches. We are passionate about God and the things of God. We believe we will see another great revival in the earth that will usher in the end time harvest.
We are positioning ourselves for another generation of church planting as we raise up and release a new generation of leaders. In partnership with DOVE International we have a leadership training school with several satellite locations.
Presently our network consists of 17 churches in the US and 6 international Networks in Kenya, Haiti, Mexico, India, Thailand, and Ghana. There are also numerous ministries who we partner with in advancing the gospel.
The Hopewell Network is led by an Apostolic Team and a Five-Fold Ministry Team. There is an active group of prayer intercessors who provide prayer support to the leaders and ministries.
We are positioning ourselves for another generation of church planting as we raise up and release a new generation of leaders. In partnership with DOVE International we have a leadership training school with several satellite locations.
Presently our network consists of 17 churches in the US and 6 international Networks in Kenya, Haiti, Mexico, India, Thailand, and Ghana. There are also numerous ministries who we partner with in advancing the gospel.
The Hopewell Network is led by an Apostolic Team and a Five-Fold Ministry Team. There is an active group of prayer intercessors who provide prayer support to the leaders and ministries.
We are a fellowship of churches and leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit to locally and globally advance Christ’s Kingdom together.
The Hopewell Network was birthed during the charismatic outpouring in the 1980’s. Within a span of eleven years, twelve churches had been planted. Soon the daughter churches began to plant churches, and the Network continued to grow. The Network during this time was affiliated with the Atlantic Coast Conference of the Mennonite Church.
Over the years, this Network of young churches moved more toward an apostolic or New Testament approach to church governance. While appreciating many of the values of Anabaptism, the Network became more interdenominational in its vision. This eventually led to leaving the denomination and the official formation of the Hopewell Network of Churches in 2001.
In addition to stateside churches, the Hopewell Network has networks in several different countries. We have targeted the Isaan unreached people group in Thailand as a special outreach effort of our network. In addition, individual churches are sending missionaries and short-term mission teams throughout the world.
Over the years, this Network of young churches moved more toward an apostolic or New Testament approach to church governance. While appreciating many of the values of Anabaptism, the Network became more interdenominational in its vision. This eventually led to leaving the denomination and the official formation of the Hopewell Network of Churches in 2001.
In addition to stateside churches, the Hopewell Network has networks in several different countries. We have targeted the Isaan unreached people group in Thailand as a special outreach effort of our network. In addition, individual churches are sending missionaries and short-term mission teams throughout the world.